Greater Opportunities Demonstrated Corporation (GODC)


  Parent University

"A Community Initiative"

Join Us For A Virtual Presentation 

Empowering Young Black Males Through Literacy


Date: May 21 & 28, 2024

Time:  6:00PM to 7:00 PM

Location:  Virtual Meeting Via Lakeland Polk County FL

 (Scroll Down For More Information)

Empowering Young Black Males Through Literacy

Register Today! 

Click here to register for May 21st

Click here to register for May 28th

Join with Google Meet on the above dates, click here  .

This presentation will provide an overview of a free Online Summer Reading Program that is specifically designed to address the low reading levels among young Black males.  Additionally, this free reading program aims to empower young Black males by fostering a love for reading and providing them with the support and resources they need to succeed academically.

We recognize the importance of instilling a passion for reading early in life. Through engaging and culturally relevant reading materials, interactive activities, and mentorship programs, we aim to spark enthusiasm for literacy among young Black males.  

Please join us plus invite other members of the community to engage in this innovative on-line summer reading program. For additional information,  contact Ms. Dell Quary,  GODC Executive Director.

Parent University is a community initiative sponsored by Greater Opportunities Demonstrated (GODC).  All  programs and or events  are designed to help provide on-going resources for parent-family involvement and community engagement that supports student learning.